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Wakonda’s slippage on the laminate floors is a constant issue.  So we tried the booties above and hilarity ensued.  The booties are too much trouble.  Imagine wrestling a 100 pound malamute into booties every single day.  Not happening.

Now I’m trying paw wax.  Malamute (100 pounds of which) is not allowing me to apply the paw wax without a wrestling match.  We’ve moved onto scattered throw rugs.  I’m eyeing some of these for the future.  Right now it’s whatever I can find at Walmart that looks decent.

My office decor is complete for the moment.  I went for “Zen”.  I have paper lamps and a tinkling table fountain.  Another attorney walked in and said “this looks like a spa” – perfect!

Today we can see the sky for the first time in days.  We’ve been under a solid grey inversion layer.  Everyone I talk to is wandering around depressed from the endless grey, grey, grey.  The bright day should help us all recover from S.A.D.

I’m heading back to the office today.  It’s been a long weekend of working.  But it’s either sit around and stress about the work I have piled up, or simply go in and start working on it.

Last weekend there was much ado made over a storm that was supposed to dump 11 inches of snow, be very cold, and very windy.  We got a dusting of snow, but we did get cold and wind.

This week we had a storm which was casually mentioned as “snow showers” which actually ended up dumping over 2 feet of snow.  Getting home Wednesday afternoon was an adventure.  After I got home, I never left.  As of yesterday the snow on my suburban street was high-centering everything but the heftiest of SUV’s and pickups.

I had overly optimistic thoughts of going into the office.  However, the office couldn’t open because the building was inaccessible (unless I wanted to hike in from somewhere other than the parking lot).  In any event, I couldn’t leave my garage so it didn’t matter if Point B was hosed because I couldn’t leave Point A.

J and I suited up and began snow blowing and shoveling.  I had to tunnel into the backyard.  Then I had to hook into a dog-made tunnel to get from the gate to the patio stairs.  It was insane.  Unfortunately my camera needed recharged so I couldn’t get pretty pics, but my trusty Blackberry captured a couple of canine moments. Read the rest of this entry »

This post will make no sense in a few months.  So if you look up at the top and what I’m saying is there isn’t really there, you aren’t crazy.  It means that by the time this is read, I’ve changed what’s up there.

So what is up there? It’s a Pouting Papillion named Patch who owns my parents.  Patch is a habitual pouter.  However, in the photo he is pushing the Pouting envelope because he is wearing a festive necklace for the holidays and it’s pissing him off.  It’s one of the joys of the holidays – draping canines in embarassing accessories and documenting it for posterity.

Today we took the boy dogs to walk a trail along the river.  Eventually we came across a trail that actually led down to the river, and all hell broke loose.

Wakonda immediately galumphed into the water while Koba looked on in stunned amazement.

Koba was blown away.  First all that water followed by Wook blithely trotting on into it.

Being a Schipperke he simply could not handle being the odd guy out.  Finally he wandered into the water, whereupon he refused to get out.

I am ashamed to admit that even though he was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, this was Koba’s first ever dip into a river.  I think I owe the little dude a lot of freshwater jaunts.

I cannot believe months have passed since I updated this blog.  I haven’t even twittered.

A lot of life lately has consisted of (1) being overwhelmed by work and (2) being overwhelmed by bills.  But in he middle of all this self-absorbed inner wailing, I have managed to have some Big Fun.

At the end of July on the year anniversary of taking the bar, J and I traveled back to the scene (Seattle) for a Nine Inch Nails concert.  It was awesome.  I bagged a nice room at the Westin downtown via and we flew to Seattle and back on my free airline miles.  The NIN concert had the usual fascinating pre-show people watching experience.  My favorite was a husky gentleman sporting a kilt.  There was hair in every color under the rainbow, tattoos people will regret in 10 years, as well as an unusually high number of Gene Simmons boots.  Gothic Lolita was the fashion of the day.  The concert was fabulous – so fabulous I am seriously considering hitting the show again in Missoula in a couple of months.

The canines are all well and I’ve changed the header image to Lucy at rest in her papasan chair.  Lucy had an unsightly health issue recently – her anal gland exploded.  It was as much fun as it sounds.  Surgery followed, including the extraction of two teeth.  Poor little doxie had mayhem going on with both ends.  She recovered speedily and is back to her usually passive-aggressive self.

I’ll try to poke my head above the water more often to post.  And now back to our regularly scheduled programming – work on my files which I’ve put off for the last two days so I could have a weekend.

Oh, and I’ve been on a Heart kick all of a sudden.  What’s that all about?

It’s been so long since I posted that I’m going to have to resort to bullet points.

  • Spring finally arrived in the Northwest.
  • J has launched into yard work. I have not. Weeds abound.
  • My weight loss is now 24 point something. Hell, we’ll call it 25.
  • Koba gained 3 pounds on prescription diet food.
  • Turns out Koba is hypothyroid.
  • Koba is a high maintenance little dog. He now takes 4 pills a day for his epilepsy and thyroid.
  • I had my first raging case of lawyer burn out.
  • Simultaneously with my first case of lawyer burn out, I caught a head cold. I’m such an overachiever.
  • Lawyer burn out passed.
  • We actually left our house to watch a movie. Iron Man. Awesome.
  • Battlestar Galactica and The Tudors are on hiatus. Not awesome.
  • I’m sick of Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen.

Our mini-Dachshund, Lucy, is so incredibly self-absorbed it leaves all us little people in awe.  Lucy had a sore back leg this weekend.  I felt up and down the subject leg with firm pressure (takes about 1 millisecond on a short weenie dog leg) and she did not object.  So I gave her an armchair diagnosis of muscle sprain.  The solution was to keep her quiet for a couple of days (not difficult) and to make sure she didn’t try to leap off of anything.

Lucille went into recuperation and pampering mode.  She’s feeling much better and the limp is all but gone.  However, I’m not sure she’s going to snap out of it.

Madam is Resting

Madam is resting and will not be disturbed.

Today I decided Koba needed a grooming.  He had dandruff!  And he was messy in general.  He obviously enjoyed his time at the groomer and felt mighty snazzy with his red bandanna.

His inflated ego almost got us into trouble when he tried to consume a nervous Chihuahua in  Petsmart.  As you can see from the photo, he wasn’t the least bit remorseful for his bad manners.

In answer to a question in the comments, Koba’s diet plan consists of eating Hill’s Prescription Science Diet W/D and going for walks.  Unfortunately, a side effect of taking medication for his epilepsy was weight gain.  He is still a pretty energetic guy, but Schipperkes are notoriously hyper and the Schip version of energy is energy-on-steroids.

As I type this post, Koba is still wearing his snappy red bandanna and prancing around like a diva.  He’s quite the little hotty tonight.

Cricket, one of the two dachshunds that reside rent-free in our house, had a most excellent evening yesterday. First, she had a belly rub.

Then I stopped rubbing her belly. She noticed.

Yes, the brooding stare worked. I resumed belly rub (after delaying to take the photo).

Koba joined us on the couch, but reserved his personal space by laying way on the other end of the couch. Undeterred, Cricket breached his boundaries.

Look at that. She’s completely let herself go to the point where she’s not even bothering to suck in her tummy.

Another angle with Koba’s put-out-but-too-lazy-to-do-anything face.

And look at Cricket’s snout. Is that a tongue sticking out of her mouth? Well, let’s see…

The Northwest has been dumped on.  Although the humans over the age of 10 who have to drive and shovel the stuff are cranky, there’s at least one canine dude who is over the moon.  Witness Wakonda:

Okay, the above is Wakonda doing the Stately Malamute In The Snow bit.  Check out the photos after the jump to see him ditch all pretense at dignity.  Read the rest of this entry »


May 2024